Graphic | Digital | Web

Learn more about Meena Mehta at Two M's Design

Design, UX and You.



Meena Mehta

I am a graphic, UX, and web designer. I graduated from Massachusetts College of Art, and few years ago completed a 2-year certificate program in Advanced Web and Interaction Design from UCLA. I grew up in India, and now spearhead my design studio TwoM’s Design, based in Marlborough, MA, where I live with my husband and two sons. 

My clients say I bring a unique blend of creativity, passion for work, calmness while problem-solving, proven project management and technical skillset to my work. I try to be a good communicator, and am passionate about delivering a thoughtful product that produces results, and fulfills the client’s business objectives. Some of my clients include Suffolk University Law School, Future Forward Events, Choice Therapeutics, Alliqua Biomedical, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Bantam Cider, Cura Consulting, TaranaOm Creations, The Gaston Institute at UMass Boston, and Worcester State University.

2020 was a year of intense creativity by default. During the pandemic I used social media to push daily messages that either commented on the current situation, raised questions, or served to create a calm and positive space during trying times. The unintentional outcome of this exercise was my 60 page book “Quarantine Creative Musings” which serves as a creative visual diary, invites the reader to listen to what I have to say, and layer in their experiences too, so this stays as a collective reminder for all of us of an unforgettable year. In addition, I also created a line of wearable art with ShopVIDA - a sustainable, socially-conscious company. You can browse my these designs and my book on the Shop page on this site.

My work is inspired by my surroundings, moments in life, places I visit, experiences, emotions, people around me, the constantly unfolding mystery of nature, and the abundance of colors all around me. I find beauty in the smallest objects, simplest gestures, natural intrinsic qualities in people and things. It is the essence of these abstractions that I try to capture and portray in my design work.

I try to give back by volunteering my time for Ekal and help bring education to the remotest part of India. I try to carve out time for my other interests as well, such as painting and learning Hindustani vocal music. And most important of all is time spent with my family and little pug Skittles.

Thank you for reading my story, now lets chat about how I can help you.



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